Doula Compass

Career Navigation For Death Doulas

I help End-of-Life Doulas explore different aspects of the death doula world and shape a career that is exactly right for them.

Hi, I’m Annie—I’m a Life and Death Design Coach.

I came to coaching from a 20-year career in design strategy and design research. Along the way, I trained and certified as a coach (I am a CPCC Certified Professional Co-Active Coach through CTI), a death doula (through INELDA), and a hospice volunteer. I coach individuals across all aspects of life, regardless of how near death may be. I also understand the death doula landscape firsthand.

From my work in the design and innovation sector, I have deep expertise in helping global organizations and individuals create a yet-to-be-seen future. As a coach, I can help you co-create your yet-to-be seen dream career.

Death doulas fill an enormous void; the world is better with more death doulas in it.

Once you find your groove as a doula, the value you will put into the world will be enormous.

The death doula space is an emerging industry, and the paths forward aren’t self-evident.

I’ve noticed that so many of the doulas I’ve met finish training full of enthusiasm which quickly wanes after they struggle to figure out their next steps. They’re unsure of how to find their way or what next steps to take.

I call this the doula training gap.

I’m tired of watching people drawn to this space, but unsure how to proceed because they can’t figure out what being a death doula might look like for them.

I’m frustrated by seeing people thrash around, taking training after training because they’re looking for some a-ha that makes them feel ready to begin.

I’m disappointed with seeing doulas show up with big dreams and full hearts, to end up broke and heartbroken because they haven’t figured out how to get their business off the ground.

If this is you, there's hope.

Through one-on-one coaching, I offer my fellow death doulas an orientation to the landscape, and a launching-off point for starting and growing a successful doula business. I help you clarify your vision so you can pursue it.

Join The Beta

As part of the Beta program, you’ll be one of the first participants to test-drive new tools and help shape the future of career navigation for emerging doulas like yourself.

Read My Newsletter

I’m documenting my own journey as I create a career mash-up that has never existed before. I’m open-sourcing my process to spread the learning to others.

Schedule a Consultation

Set up a 30-min consultation with me for $50.
If you find it helpful, I offer a follow-on package of (3) 1-hour sessions to help you identify your unique death doula flavor and growth paths. For a limited time, a package of 3 coaching sessions is $300.

Momentum comes from knowing what makes you unique.