Good Enough to Go Home

"Good enough to go home" is an idea that I have taught to many coaching clients and design teams.

It came about one day while working with a dear colleague, when we kept noticing a tendency to continue noodling on the work, when in reality, the work had already been “good enough” for quite some time. It would meet the client’s needs and it would serve us well. Any extra effort beyond that point would only keep us from moving on to other things. It was not only wasted effort, but detrimental. We’ve worked together for years, and we continue to use this rally cry to keep us focused. It’s our nudge to let go of the work, put down our tools, and close up shop for the day. 

Designers have high standards. We see so much potential and want so badly for the world to be better. But sometimes our high standards don’t serve our main goals. Do you have high standards? If so, you might be prone to chronically over deliver (and possibly burn out).

It's common that the extra effort that follows beyond "good enough to go home" will go unnoticed. You'll pour a ton of effort into something that doesn't support the original aim of the work and keeps you away from your other priorities... just picture the unnecessary late nights away from home, skipped workouts, and door-dashed meals. The obsession with perfection takes control and trumps your real priorities.

"Good enough to go home" is a call for perspective and gives you permission to prioritize what's truly important.

Embrace "Good Enough to Go Home" as a way of being!


“Trust The Process”

