Take a Running Start

It’s 10/12/23—there are 81 days left until the end of the year, how has your year gone so far?

At this point, most of us have experienced some fits, starts, fizzles, and blowouts in pursuing some of our aspirations. I certainly have. There's no shame in that.

In fact, I had a disruption this summer that threw me off so badly that I'm only just now clawing my way back. Ouch. 💣

It turns out there are no rules around when you can begin working on habits, goals, or other life changes. You can start any time—no one checks!

You don't have to wait until January, or the first of the month, or even a Monday to make positive changes in your life. You can start RIGHT NOW. And, you can do it quietly and without fanfare, building confidence and positive momentum, and without all the social pressure for self-improvement that seems to accompany the end/beginning of the year.

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite life approaches: 👟 THE RUNNING START 👟

I've embraced the running start for several years now, and it's incredibly liberating.

When the "new years resolution" talk and the "new year, new me" messages begin, you get all kinds of positive tailwinds: 1) A boost of confidence from recognizing the momentum you already have, 2) lots of energy to channel from folks who are freshly motivated to begin, and 3) you get to be a little smug, if that's what floats your boat. 😉

🚂 VS 🏎

🚂 Consider the momentum of a stopped train versus a car merging from one highway to another. Trains take a long time to get moving; it can take a while before you feel like you're finally getting somewhere. Waiting until these big milestones to begin is like starting a train from a cold start.

🏎 A car merging from one highway to the next is cruising along, and they lose little speed and momentum as they transition. Merging at speed is so much easier than starting cold! Consider taking a running start at your goals. Start now and start small so you can merge onto the highway of 2024 with the movement you initiate NOW!

Consider signing up for coaching with me.

Road trips are easier when you have support. I'd love to ride shotgun with you to cheer you on, help you navigate the journey, and play DJ on the radio.

Send me an email at coaching@designtugboat.com if you'd like to chat about coaching with me or set up a chemistry conversation to see if we're a fit for each other.


You go where you direct your attention.


“Trust The Process”