You go where you direct your attention.

I love when something I learn in a hobby translates more broadly to life.

TARGET FIXATION is a great example. 🎯

I have always loved active hobbies because they demand both mental and physical development in order to grow.

Mountain biking, motorcycle riding, and swing dancing all improve when you understand that you go where you look. Where your head points can literally change the focus of your momentum. The crazy thing is that this applies to our attention in other realms.

Consider what most often gets your attention...

Are you focusing on all the things going wrong for you, all the ways you've failed in the past, or the ways things might fail in the future? Are you stuck on frustration, resentment, or comparison?

Or are you looking for small wins, glimmers of possibility, and indicators of learning? Are you focusing on contentment, presence, and gratitude?

Target fixation tells us that you go where you direct your attention. Which direction will you choose?


“Pedal, pedal, pedal!”


Take a Running Start